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Speak Up with Confidence


Report Wrongdoing. Get Protected. Make a Difference.

At Infocredit Group, we believe in upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our operations. As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, we provide a secure and confidential platform for reporting concerns or suspected violations of our policies, laws, or ethical standards.

Why Whistleblowing Matters

Whistleblowing plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy organizational culture. It enables employees, contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. By fostering an environment where concerns can be reported and addressed promptly, we can prevent and mitigate risks, protect our reputation, and uphold our core values.

How to Report

If you have observed any behavior or activity that you believe may be in violation of our policies or legal requirements, we encourage you to report it using our secure whistleblowing reporting system. You can submit a report anonymously, if you prefer, and all reports are treated with the utmost confidentiality.

To submit a report through our digital platform please select the following link:

Or send us an email to the following email address:

[email protected]

You will be guided through a series of simple steps to provide details about the incident or concern you wish to report. Please be as specific and detailed as possible to help us thoroughly investigate the matter.

What to Report

You can use our whistleblowing reporting system to report a wide range of concerns that include:

– Fraud
– Corruption / abuse of power
– Bribery, violation of the Gifts and Hospitality Policy 
– Conflict of interests
– Theft, embezzlement
– Forgery
– Confidentiality and personal data breach
– Money laundering
– Breach of competition legislation
– Irregularities in accounting for financial data
– Misuse of Company funds
– Breach of safety and health regulations
– Breach of environmental legislation
– Discrimination of workers
– Harassment
– Threat, blackmail, use of force
– Insult, slander
– Breach of legislation and corporate policies
– Unethical behavior

We take all reports seriously and handle them with the utmost discretion and confidentiality. We are committed to protecting the identity of whistleblowers to the fullest extent possible, and we prohibit any form of retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith.

Investigation and Follow-Up

Upon receiving a report, our designated team will promptly investigate the matter in accordance with our established procedures. We will take appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation, which may include corrective measures, disciplinary action, or further escalation if necessary.

Thank You for Your Commitment

We appreciate your commitment to upholding our values and contributing to a safe, ethical, and compliant workplace. Your willingness to speak up and report concerns helps us maintain the highest standards of integrity and accountability across our organization.

You can find our company’s policy regarding Whistleblowing in the following link: Whistleblowing Policy

Thank you for your continued support in promoting a culture of transparency and integrity at Infocredit Group.